13 Week Update

3/25/2017 – 13 Weeks

This week, baby is the size of a lemon, and it is looking sweeter than ever. Measured crown to rump, it is about 3 inches long. Its head occupies half of that length, but this will be changing. The baby’s organs are on the move. It’s crazy to think about, but until now, the intestines have been developing outside of the body, and inside the umbilical cord. But starting this week, they’re migrating to their more permanent home inside its body.

We have entered the second trimester, and I am starting to show a bump! I made the announcement at work with the girls on Wednesday as it will get harder for me to hide this growing belly. I baked some Easter egg cookies and had a sign that said “Some bunny is egg-specting! Guess who!” They loved it.

We also finished our family phone calls and made an official social media announcement. We are getting so much love from friends close and far; it is a really fun and exciting time. As my belly grows, I am starting to have to find some new clothes or wear the pants that were once too big on me. I even started to look for some maternity jeans!


Work cookies


Our announcement


13 weeks


12 Week Update

3/19/2017 – 12 Weeks

Baby is as big as a small plum. At this point, most of baby’s major systems are formed, so there won’t be a lot of news flashes in the coming weeks. But, each of those systems will continue to mature and grow in size. During this week’s doctor visit, you may be able to hear baby’s heartbeat if you choose to use a Doppler. If foregoing the Doppler in favor of a fetoscope, you won’t be able to hear baby’s heartbeat until around week 20. But the baby’s heart isn’t the only organ that’s acting all grown up. Its small intestine can now push food through his bowels. Baby’s central nervous system is maturing as well. When baby hears a loud noise or feels sudden movement, it may react with a squint, open mouth, or wiggle.

We had a very busy weekend! First, we had our second doctor appointment and sonogram. The baby was dancing around, kicking its legs, lifting its hands, and opening the mouth. It was really awesome to see.  When speaking with the doctor, we found that our baby had a good neural tube size (1.3 mm) which is used to measure if there are signs of other issues such as Down Syndrome or heart defects that may be present. We had some blood work to ensure that mom and baby are continuing to stay healthy as well. Andre really liked this doctor. We have a different one each appointment so we can meet whoever will be on call when we head to the hospital. We made our follow up appointment in 4 weeks (Good Friday) for when we find out the gender!!

Andre and I made many phone calls over the weekend letting our close friends and family know. It was fun to FaceTime and call all of our friends and families around the states. On Sunday, we met up with Grandma! We told her the news pretty soon after she walked in the door with a balloon and sonogram picture. She was shocked to say the least… she wasn’t expecting us to get pregnant so quickly she said. We had a lovely lunch with the Lama family, grandma, and her two friends. Once we told Grandma, we shared the news with the Ennes side of the family!


St. Patrick’s Day shirt – 12 weeks on March 17, 2017


Grandma’s surprise!


Grandma’s reaction.


11 week update 

3/12/2017 – 11 weeks

Baby is about as big as a lime. But it won’t stay that way for long. The baby has been on a major growth spurt these past few weeks, almost doubling in size. Sweet baby is also getting its groove on—twisting, turning, kicking, stretching, and even hiccuping. Although, mommy won’t feel any of these movements from your tiny dancer for another couple months.

As for me, I’m still feeling a lot of fatigue and mood swings. I’m ready for the second trimester when I supposedly get some energy back.

We are beginning to tell some close friends and will probably tell our families over the week and next weekend. Grandma comes to town Sunday, so we are going to get to tell her in person!! We are excited for our news to be officially out!


10 week update

3/4/2017 – 10 weeks

Baby is graduating from the “embryonic period” and entering the “fetal period.” Our peanut is about the size of a walnut. The fingers and toes are becoming more defined, with tiny little nails growing in. Soft, fine hair (called lanugo) is now covering its skin.

We had our big doctor’s visit on Friday and it went really well. We had a sonogram and got to see little peanut! I am measuring exactly 10 weeks, and the doctor said the baby looks great. We had blood work, meetings with the clinical coordinator, and more. The appointment was really informative and helpful. We learned that the you can get a variety of pre-natal vitamins, but that it is vital to have ones with DHA for our little baby’s brain. We also learned that the lunch meet is fine, what medicines are “okay” during pregnancy, and that I can continue working out the way I have been previously.

We made a follow up appointment in 12 weeks and then we will have monthly appointments. I am still feeling pretty good besides being tired and a little moody 😳. I think a bump may be forming or I might just be bloated…. lol, but expect belly pictures to come in the next weeks. That’s it for now!!
